Eileen’s Place, a supportive housing project of Metro Lutheran Ministry, provides 60 units of supportive housing to families with children.
Eileen’s Place is a 60 unit community of supportive housing for families with children. It offers multi-disciplinary, housing-oriented services aimed to help tenants remain stably housed while addressing individual household needs.
Services Offered
- Case Management
- Life Skills (nutrition, time management, housekeeping, parenting)
- Financial and Employment Coaching
- Community Garden
- Computer Lab
- Referrals and Linkages to Community-Based Programs
- Basic Needs (Household good, transportation assistance, emergency financial assistance)
- Medical/Dental Assistance
- Child and Adult Educational Support
- Little Free Library
- Community Events and Classes (Holiday gatherings and meals, tutoring, holiday adoption program, VBS)
- Volunteer led classes
- 100% of households access basic needs services
- 80% of households utilize 2 or more services
- 80% of households participate in Life-Skills
- 40% of households participate in Financial or Employment Coaching
- 25% of households access medical/dental
- 50% of households maintain or increase enrollment in mainstream benefits
- 50% of adults report improved mental health status
- 70% of households with school-age children report zero negative mobility