For over 15 years, Dan and Ann Barnhart with their 4 children have served alongside MLM in helping individuals and families in need. It all began when their oldest daughter was 8 years old. They did not want their children being raised with an entitled mentality. Instead, they wanted them to remember that we are all God’s children and that as you serve those in need, you serve God.
After calling and volunteering at several organizations, Dan and his family found MLM and fell in love with the dynamic duo – Norma and Eileen from the Christmas Store and the rest was history.
Over the years, they have volunteered with many of our programs including: the Christmas Store, orchard and garden, Saturday breakfast, packing parties, and second Saturday.
When asked what his most memorable experience has been with MLM, Dan responded, “Appreciative people turning down something so someone else might benefit even though they needed the help.”
Having volunteered for so many years, the Barnhart family has learned many great life lessons. They are reminded that we cannot and should not pass judgement on others because we don’t know what circumstances have impacted their lives; and that kindness goes a long way.
For the Barnhart’s, 15 years of service through MLM has greatly shaped their lives. Dan reflects, “I joke that MLM has helped raise our children, but it’s true. We have volunteered so many hours with MLM that our experiences have literally shaped us and made us better people.”
MLM thanks all of our amazing volunteers for their dedication and commitment to MLM and the community.