How to Help
Volunteers are the heart of MLM. Our goal is to find a meaningful way for you to walk alongside MLM to serve the poor and needy.
Contact Us
For more information, contact Rebecka at or 816-285-3154. Ready to sign up? Please fill out the form below.

Food Pantries
Volunteers assist Monday-Friday at our three food pantry locations: Central, Northland, and KCK. Donations of food and hygiene items are always welcome and needed.

Senior Commodity Boxes
MLM distributes food commodity boxes to about 400 seniors monthly. Volunteers are needed Monday-Wednesday following the 2nd Saturday each month to greet guests and help carry their boxes.

Minor Home Repair Team
The MHR team performs home repairs and builds wheelchair ramps for seniors and disabled individuals.

Orchard & Community Garden
April – October
Assist in supplying fresh fruits to an inner-city neighborhood by helping with various tasks in MLM’s urban orchard and raised bed garden. If you care about green space and healthy eating, this is the opportunity for you!

Sack Lunches
Every day MLM gives away sack lunches to people who drop in needing food to get them through the day. We help you plan a packing party that you host at your site. It’s a perfect service project for all ages. Over 750 lunches are handed out each month.

Market Monday
Help package and distribute fresh produce provided by Harvesters, and transport it to guests’ cars. Many guests wait overnight to get a spot in line – this service is extremely important to them!

Eileen’s Place
Volunteer opportunities at MLM’s newest progam site, Eileen’s Place, are available!
- Garden & Orchard
- Teach Life-skills classes
- Host VBS, holiday, or birthday parties for tenants

Office / Support Staff
MLM is always in need of volunteers to help answer phones, file documents, perform data entry, mentor clients, and more!
- Case management internships
- Assist with event planning
- Mentor at-risk clients
- Data Entry